Italian Sign Language (LIS) is effectively a language. It has a precise grammatical structure, but does not use acoustic-vocal channels like other languages do, using a visual-gestual channel of communication.
In this way communication takes place through manual components (the hand signs) and non-manual components, such as facial expressions and body movements. LIS is a language which enables the deaf to have equal opportunities in terms of access to communication and to integration, while enabling people with normal hearing to improve their visual attention, their memory for body language, and also to get in touch with a fascinating and complex world which to often remains “invisible”.
Practical Part:
dactilogy, lip articulation and communicative strategies
-“Introducing yourself” – “exchanging personal information”
The “social context” – daily/working activities/and free time
Theoretical Part:
General principles of communication and fundamental principles of LIS
Notions regarding the deaf community and deaf culture.
Notions regarding the history of education for the deaf.
The course includes 80 hours of lessons with:
44 practical hours
6 theoretical hours
Introduction, revision and final test: 10 hours
Traineeship: 20 hours